Neel Nanda Neel Nanda

Post 34: Learning how to learn

Learning fast and well is one of the most valuable skills you can cultivate, and a force multiplier on everything else you’ll ever do. I outline my philosophy of learning, and my favourite tactics for doing this well

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Neel Nanda Neel Nanda

Post 33: Seek Upside Risk

Life is full of opportunities with upside risk, a known cost, but a chance of a massive upside. This post is about why we miss out on so many, and how to fill your life with them

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Neel Nanda Neel Nanda

Post 32: Macro-Procrastination

When I procrastinate, I often put something off until creeping guilt and deadlines force me out of inaction, and I do something about it. This generally sucks. But far worse, is when something is important but doesn’t have any deadlines, and can be put off indefinitely. I call this failure to achieve my long-term goals macro-procrastination.

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Neel Nanda Neel Nanda

Post 31: Noticing and Overcoming Bias

Overcoming bias is a key step for forming true beliefs. But this is hard, because biases don’t feel like biases from the inside. I outline my thoughts on identifying your most important and common biases, noticing them in the moment, and overcoming them by sticking to policies that systematically favour better beliefs

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Neel Nanda Neel Nanda

Post 29: Meaningful Rest

The list of “things I want to do when tired” and the list of “things that rejuvenate me when tired” do not overlap, and this is a problem. This is a post exploring this problem, and my tools for solving it.

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Neel Nanda Neel Nanda

Mini Blog Post 27: On blog posts

A retrospective on my month of daily blogging, what I’ve gotten out of it, why you should do a daily writing project, and advice for doing this well.

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Neel Nanda Neel Nanda

Mini Blog Post 23: Taking Social Initiative

I think people systematically don’t take social initiative enough. I try to outline why, and ways you can improve on this. And my thoughts on “networking without being a terrible person”!

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Neel Nanda Neel Nanda

Mini Blog Post 22: The world is full of wasted motion

The default state of the world is that things are inefficient, that 20% of the effort put in results in 80% of the output. This is a fundamental part of how I see the world, and this post outlines how I have internalised this idea, and how to pursue the clever hacks that can make things better

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Neel Nanda Neel Nanda

Mini Blog Post 21: Taking the first step

The first step is often the hardest step. It’s easy to procrastinate, to get stuck, to feel overwhelmed, and to do nothing while feeling constant guilt. This post is about my toolkit for getting past this

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Neel Nanda Neel Nanda

Mini Blog Post 20: Emotions are Bayesian Evidence

A common trap, especially for quantitatively minded people, is to ignore your emotions and intuitions as “irrational”. I outline why I think this is a clear error, and how I try to balance between listening to my emotions and not letting them hold me back

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Neel Nanda Neel Nanda

Mini Blog Post 18: How to teach things well

My thoughts on how to teach ideas effectively and efficiently, especially giving talks and tutoring. With a focus on the high-level concepts and pitfalls to bear in mind, and my thoughts on the general process of learning

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Neel Nanda Neel Nanda

Mini Blog Post 15: The illusion of doing nothing

A lot of my problems boil down to an attachment to safe options, and a desire to not put myself out there. I try to dissect where this error comes from, and propose concrete actions to overcome it.

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